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VIStology’s SCA-Pass Endorsed by the JTNC Test and Evaluation Laboratory

We are very excited to share that VIStology’s SCA-Pass test tool has passed the Government Acceptance Test (GAT) performed by the Joint Tactical Networking Center (JTNC) Test and Evaluation Laboratory (JTEL).
The Software Communications Architecture (SCA) Waveform Test Tool (SCA-Pass) is a software tool developed by VIStology, Inc. and funded by the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR). SCA-Pass provides an extensible user-friendly environment for the construction, organization, execution, and summary of automated, reproducible conformance tests of waveform applications against the SCA v4.1 architectural standard of JTNC and the Wireless Innovation Forum. SCA-Pass provides value in terms of the reduction of time and cost required for the certification of waveform applications by the Verification Authority as well as the cost and time reduction for the development of waveform applications by commercial vendors.
Key quote from the GAT Report:
JTEL evaluated the testing capabilities provided by the SCA-Pass v1.0 for compliance testing of waveform applications against the SCA v4.1 Specification. Based on the test results, JTEL recommends that the JTNC accept the SCA-Pass v1.0 for compliance testing of waveform applications against the SCA v4.1 requirements.
SCA-Pass was originally developed under the contract no. W15P7T-21-C-0008, under the supervision of the JTNC Test and Evaluation Laboratory. For more information about SCA-Pass and quotes, please see the SCA-Pass Brochure.